Founder’s Story

“I believe that stories bring life to people and people to life. There is a story in each of us and, by sharing them, we can connect with and inspire others.”

My name is Fatima. I am a seeker, a learner, and a passionate transformative life/executive coach.

I’ve been searching for truths and deeper understanding ever since I can remember, gazing at the night sky for hours – curious about how things that are far away, affects what is nearby.

When I read books, I am in my happy place. For me, books are as important as the air that I breathe. As a child I was deeply inspired by My father who was fascinated by mysticism and the world of energies – long before it became a trend. Those His books, which I found in our childhood basement library, have also contributed to my learning and questioning. Friends considered me unconventional and an “old soul”, as I often found a different way of thinking about things.

At the age of 11, I moved to Dubai with my family. It was a new beginning that turned my whole world upside down. In my new home, I discovered new horizons, new friends, new languages, new books and above all, new ways of thinking and living. I also encountered a fear of not belonging, of not being accepted. As a result, I started to adapt to what was around me, and the seeker in me became dormant.  I studied business, because that was popular and what everyone did. I got a job, and became afraid I would lose it. I craved recognition, but still felt insecure.

Throughout my life  my father was the one who encouraged me not to settle for the easy answer, and instead seek out the deeper mystery. Yet I followed what was more accepted and popular in the world around me, like studying Business major in university and joining the corporate world after graduation. At workplace, I started to notice miscommunication, the making of assumptions, the jumping to conclusions, the discomfort people feel when speaking up, and the feeling of not being skilled enough. I was not happy in that environment and yet I continued since I did not know any other way. My last corporate job involved interviewing many people as part of a talent management program and the feedback from the top reflected what had been happening while I took the time to notice things: “We’ve hired lots of people to do this job, but none delivered results like these. People open up to you and take the conversation to a whole new level. You should pursue a career in this field.”

My life changed a week later. At a networking event, I met someone who introduced herself as a “Life Coach” – someone who brings “clarity” to your life. It felt like I was about to unveil some of the mystery my dad spoke of. I made an appointment and after few sessions, realized just how much I needed coaching at that time. And perhaps even more insightful – how much I wanted to become a coach myself.

Two weeks later, I had not only resigned from my job, but was sitting in my first coaching course. That course led me to a certification, and more coaching courses in leadership, systemic coaching, psychology, mindfulness, energy medicine and ancient teachings of Mayans. My own journey to self-discovery took me down the road of servant leadership: serving people through coaching and empowering them to be the best version of themselves. I found extraordinary teachers, peers and friends along the way who became part of my circle of trust and helped me find my way back “home” to my true self.

Today, I have thousands hours of coaching experience as I continue to work with corporate and private clients who have become empowered individuals that interact, listen and serve others. Coaching is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

As I look back, I see that nothing happened by chance. I made a choice at every step. Every choice led to a next step. There were times I thought I made the ‘wrong’ choice, but the more I moved through life – gaining more self-awareness – my perspectives changed. My choices were ‘right’ at a given time, they led me to where I am today, and they will guide me to where I am headed in the years to come. Making a choice comes from the heart. It needs courage. I finally own my courage and the ‘warrior’ in me, and I can see that in every person I coach. I support my clients to see the choices available to them, and discern them according to their highest potential and purpose. CHOICE is the core of my work, hence the name of my business: Choice HR Consultancy.

Start the transformation in your organization.