
These links take you to videos by people who have made a difference in this world.

Many of our clients have found them to be inspiring as they journey on their path of growth and development. Having all of these videos under one tab makes them an easy “go to” place for anyone needing a shift of perspective and the motivation to continue forward. Enjoy!


Simon Sinek Why good leaders make you feel safe

Simon Sinek How great leaders inspire action

Laura Sicola  want to sound like a leader? Start by saying your name right.

Body Language

Amy Cuddy TED Talk – Fake it Till You Make it


Elizabeth Gilbert Your elusive creative genius

People who inspire me:

Lynne Twist Our collective dream

Muhammad Yunus A History of Microfinance

Great speech by Charlie Chaplin


How to use others’ feedback to learn and grow by Sheila Heen

Start the transformation in your organization.